
Jumat, 28 September 2012

Setting Manual Affiliate Amazon di Posting Website

Setting Manual Affiliate Amazon di Posting Website
Cara untuk menjadi affiliasi Amazon, yaitu :

    Masuk ke http://affiliate-program.amazon.com
    Jika belum punya account di Amazon, klik tombol join now for FREE!
    Apply untuk join associates program
    Isi email address anda, dan lanjut ke halaman registrasi
    Isi data yang diperlukan
    Isi website profile (nama website, alamat URL, topik blog, deskripsi blog). klik continue…. >> muncul tulisan "Thank you for applying to the Amazon.com Associates Program"

    Pilih specify payment method now dan specify payment method later. Specify payment method now, ada 3 metoda pembayaran, yaitu :
        Pay me by Amazon.com gift certificate ($10.00 minimum earnings)
        Pay me by direct deposit ($10.00 minimum earnings)
        Pay me by check ($100.00 minimum earning. Note a $15 processing fee will be applied to all Associates with US addresses when choosing this option)

    Tunggu email konfirmasi dari Amazon dengan subjek "Welcome to the Associates Program", klik link yang ada di email tersebut,  log in.
    Untuk memasarkan affiliate kita tersebut kita dapat memasang widget, banner, membuat aStore Amazon, dll.

Setting manual affiliate Amazon

Setelah kita mendaftar affiliate amazon tersebut, kita akan mendapat Amazon ID ( Tracking ID ) dengan format : *******-20, misalnya (Tracking ID Amazon ku) : catatanku0e-20 dan kita dapat membuat lagi ID tersebut sesuai keinginan kita, misal : ariefewcom-20

Selanjutnya, pada halaman utama amazon kita cari barang yang sesuai keinginan kita. Bisa sampai produk detail atau produk list saja. URL dari suatu barang tersebut kita tambahkan &tag=idamazonku-20

Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan dilihat di postinganku sebelumnya yang memang kusengaja untuk menerangkan masalah ini…. sekalian sambil menyelam minum air … hehehehe

Setting Manual Affiliate Amazon di Posting Website
READ MORE - Setting Manual Affiliate Amazon di Posting Website

Mendatangkan Traffic atau Pengunjung yang Tertarget

Mendatangkan Traffic atau Pengunjung yang Tertarget
Bagi Anda yang aktif nge-blog apalagi sedang menjalankan bisnis online baik dengan memasarkan produk sendiri ataupun produk pihak lain yang sering kita kenal dengan afiliasi tentu mafhum bahwa traffic (kunjungan) menjadi faktor penting dalam meraih keberhasilan. Namun, bukan sekedar jumlah pengunjung saja yang harus kita pikirkan. Ada yang jauh lebih penting dari itu dan saya ingin berbagi beberapa tips marketing online berikut dengan Anda.

Pertama, bangun brand image Anda. Mendapatkan pengunjung yang banyak sebenarnya tidaklah terlalu sulit, Anda bisa menarik perhatian orang dengan gambar yang aneh, Judul yang bombastis atau kontroversial. Jika Anda menggunakan cara ini dengan cepat Anda akan mendapatkan banyak pengunjung terutama dari situs jejaring sosial seperti kompasiana ini (yang menampilkan judul tulisan sebagai "tanda" yang terbaca). Tapi apa gunanya ? Cepat atau lambat Anda akan ditinggalkan, percayalah tidak ada orang yang bersedia "tertipu" untuk kedua kali. Jadi, hindari judul bombastis dan kontroversial yang tidak nyambung dengan isi artikel. Berikan manfaat pada orang lain dan bangunlah brand image Anda.

Kedua, dapatkan pengunjung yang tertarget. Jika blog atau website Anda adalah situs yang menjual sepatu futsal misalnya. Tulis artikel dalam blog Anda tentang futsal atau setidaknya masih ada hubungannya dengan sepak bola atau olah raga, ini akan membawa pengunjung yang tertarget (sesuai dengan apa yang Anda tawarkan). Bisa saja Anda menulis artikel tentang gaya rambut wanita dalam blog Anda misalnya, tetapi cara ini meski bisa mendatangkan traffic namun sangat kecil kemungkinannya menghasilkan penjualan dari blog Anda. Karena mungkin yang berkunjung ke situs Anda adalah mereka (wanita) yang tidak atau kurang menyukai olah raga apalagi futsal. Lebih parahnya, jika mereka merasa tertipu dan enggan untuk berkunjung ke blog Anda kembali.

Ketiga, lakukan dengan santun dan professional. Dalam marketing ada istilah "it's all about promotion". Benar bahwa dengan promosi produk yang biasa bisa tampak luar biasa dan sebaliknya. Namun, jangan sampai ini menjadikan kita over aggressive dalam berpromosi, misalnya dengan melebih-lebihkan produk kita yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan. Dalam hidup kita, apalgi bisnis tidak ada yang salah dengan promosi. Hanya lakukan promosi dengan santun dan professional. Berikan informasi yang sejujurnya sehingga calon konsumen bisa menilai dengan sendirinya apakah produk atau jasa kita memang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Apalagi dalam marketing online, dimana kita tidak bisa saling bertemu dengan calon konsumen kita. Maka, bangunlah blog atau website kita dengan professional sebab ini merepresentasikan diri kita.

Semoga bermanfaat : Mendatangkan Traffic atau Pengunjung yang Tertarget
READ MORE - Mendatangkan Traffic atau Pengunjung yang Tertarget

Kamis, 27 September 2012

Apple's decision to ship its own mapping system in the iPhone 5 and iOS 6

Apple's decision to ship its own mapping system in the iPhone 5 and
iOS 6 was made over a year before the company's agreement to use
Google Maps expired, according to two independent sources familiar
with the matter. The decision, made sometime before Apple's WWDC event
in June, sent Google scrambling to develop an iOS Google Maps app - an
app which both sources say is still incomplete and currently not
scheduled to ship for several months.
"Apple decided to end the deal and ship the new maps"
As rumors and leaks of Apple's decision to announce the new iOS 6 maps
at WWDC in June filtered out, Google decided to respond with a display
of strength - the search giant hastily announced its own mapping event
just days before Apple's event. Dubbed "the next dimension of Google
Maps," the event was designed to showcase new technologies like
low-level aerial 3D photography and Street View backpacks - a
chest-thumping exercise meant to highlight Google's significant head
start in collecting mapping information, but which offered very little
in the way of consumer-facing features.
For its part, Apple apparently felt that the older Google Maps-powered
Maps in iOS were falling behind Android - particularly since they
didn't have access to turn-by-turn navigation, which Google has
shipped on Android phones for several years. The Wall Street Journal
reported in June that Google also wanted more prominent branding and
the ability to add features like Latitude, and executives at the
search giant were unhappy with Apple's renewal terms. But the existing
deal between the two companies was still valid and didn't have any
additional requirements, according to our sources - Apple decided to
simply end it and ship the new maps with turn-by-turn.
""What were we going to do, force them not to change their mind?""
The reports were validated earlier today by Google chairman Eric
Schmidt, who was quoted by Reuters saying "what were we going to do,
force them not to change their mind? It's their call." Schmidt also
said that Google had "not done anything yet" with an iOS Google Maps
app, and that Apple would ultimately have to decide whether to approve
any such app anyway. "It's their choice," he told Bloomberg. Google
Maps VP Brian McClendon has also repeatedly said he's committed to
offering Google Maps on all platforms, indicating that an iOS app will
eventually appear.
Interestingly, Apple either didn't know or didn't expect that
consumers would find its new maps to be deficient - when iOS software
VP Scott Forstall introduced the new mapping system in June, he called
it "beautiful" and "gorgeous" and stressed that "we're doing all the
cartography ourselves." The company was forced to adopt a different
tone last week as complaints about the maps spread, saying the "new
map service is a major initiative and we are just getting started with
it." The company also promised "continuously improving" maps, and said
that "the more people use it, the better it will get." Indeed, some of
the more egregious errors spotted by users are already getting fixed,
although New York's bridges are still distorted in Flyover and the
Statue of Liberty remains missing.
""This new map service is a major initiative and we are just getting
started with it.""
Ultimately, maps are just one more front in an increasingly high
stakes war between rival ecosystems as PCs give way to mobile devices.
Apple and Google both plainly understand that phones and tablets are
most powerful when used in conjunction with sophisticated cloud-based
services, and both seem determined to own and integrate the entire
experience - ownership that will lead to dominance in the next era of
computing. A few customers getting lost along the way seems to be
acceptable collateral damage.
READ MORE - Apple's decision to ship its own mapping system in the iPhone 5 and iOS 6

Apple had over a year left on Google Maps contract, Google scrambling

Apple had over a year left on Google Maps contract, Google scrambling
to build iOS app
By Chris Ziegler 09.25.2012

Apple's decision to ship its own mapping system in the iPhone 5 and
iOS 6 was made over a year before the company's agreement to use
Google Maps expired, according to two independent sources familiar
with the matter. The decision, made sometime before Apple's WWDC event
in June, sent Google scrambling to develop an iOS Google Maps app - an
app which both sources say is still incomplete and currently not
scheduled to ship for several months.
"Apple decided to end the deal and ship the new maps"
As rumors and leaks of Apple's decision to announce the new iOS 6 maps
at WWDC in June filtered out, Google decided to respond with a display
of strength - the search giant hastily announced its own mapping event
just days before Apple's event. Dubbed "the next dimension of Google
Maps," the event was designed to showcase new technologies like
low-level aerial 3D photography and Street View backpacks - a
chest-thumping exercise meant to highlight Google's significant head
start in collecting mapping information, but which offered very little
in the way of consumer-facing features.
For its part, Apple apparently felt that the older Google Maps-powered
Maps in iOS were falling behind Android - particularly since they
didn't have access to turn-by-turn navigation, which Google has
shipped on Android phones for several years. The Wall Street Journal
reported in June that Google also wanted more prominent branding and
the ability to add features like Latitude, and executives at the
search giant were unhappy with Apple's renewal terms. But the existing
deal between the two companies was still valid and didn't have any
additional requirements, according to our sources - Apple decided to
simply end it and ship the new maps with turn-by-turn.
""What were we going to do, force them not to change their mind?""
The reports were validated earlier today by Google chairman Eric
Schmidt, who was quoted by Reuters saying "what were we going to do,
force them not to change their mind? It's their call." Schmidt also
said that Google had "not done anything yet" with an iOS Google Maps
app, and that Apple would ultimately have to decide whether to approve
any such app anyway. "It's their choice," he told Bloomberg. Google
Maps VP Brian McClendon has also repeatedly said he's committed to
offering Google Maps on all platforms, indicating that an iOS app will
eventually appear.
Interestingly, Apple either didn't know or didn't expect that
consumers would find its new maps to be deficient - when iOS software
VP Scott Forstall introduced the new mapping system in June, he called
it "beautiful" and "gorgeous" and stressed that "we're doing all the
cartography ourselves." The company was forced to adopt a different
tone last week as complaints about the maps spread, saying the "new
map service is a major initiative and we are just getting started with
it." The company also promised "continuously improving" maps, and said
that "the more people use it, the better it will get." Indeed, some of
the more egregious errors spotted by users are already getting fixed,
although New York's bridges are still distorted in Flyover and the
Statue of Liberty remains missing.
""This new map service is a major initiative and we are just getting
started with it.""
Ultimately, maps are just one more front in an increasingly high
stakes war between rival ecosystems as PCs give way to mobile devices.
Apple and Google both plainly understand that phones and tablets are
most powerful when used in conjunction with sophisticated cloud-based
services, and both seem determined to own and integrate the entire
experience - ownership that will lead to dominance in the next era of
computing. A few customers getting lost along the way seems to be
acceptable collateral damage.
READ MORE - Apple had over a year left on Google Maps contract, Google scrambling